
Boil-in-the-Bag or a Recipe for Disaster?

If you play hard, you need the right protection and teeth are no exception. A blow to the face or mouth can easily knock out a front tooth or two and if your teeth are forced together suddenly they will get broken or chipped or they may snap below gum level. Prevention is the best form of defence. mouthguards are individually made to fit your mouth. This is essential, because when the blow comes, the mouthguard needs to stay where it is needed, protecting your teeth. (The first thing that a blow will do to a cheaper mouthguard, is knock it out of your mouth!) The force from a blow needs to be distributed evenly over your teeth and jaws to neutralise it effectively. If your mouthguard only touches a few teeth, then you'll just break another tooth further back.

Professionally-made mouthguards are recommended for all contact sports and any other activity that might cause a dental injury

If you play a contact sport, have a look at our prices for mouthguards. Then have a look at the cost of the alternatives—a crown, extraction, root treatment or implant!

Professional mouthguards can be made in as little as 48 hours.

Book now.